Marketing materials for FlowEQ
Graphics & animations
Ads made for a Reddit campaign
I produced various marketing materials for FlowEQ to use on CRM marketplaces, Reddit, and FlowEQ's own marketing site.
Because I was working in Figma, I was able to use assets directly from our design system to build the ads.
I found this to be a very helpful exercise in stripping back a UI. The version in the ad doesn't need to perfectly eflect the actual interface, it just needs to communicate the benefit or feature that the graphic is highlighting. In the process of simplifying an interface to create an advertisement, I would sometimes find that the same simplification could be applied to the actual product.
Gifs created to illustrate various benefits of FlowEQ
Frames for the above animations
The animations were created using Figma's prototyping tools to set timing and transitions, and exported with the Figmotion plugin.